How To Survive CrossFit in the Heat

July 18, 2023
How To Survive CrossFit in the Heat



July 18, 2023

Have you ever had the feeling that your workouts start to feel SO MUCH harder when the temperatures start rising in the Chico summer? Like you literally can't breath? Well you aren't wrong! Heat can affect performance tremendously, but we're here to help you figure out ways to cope until those cooler temperatures comes back around.

The science behind it...

The cardiovascular system is a closed loop. You can only pump so much blood through that system at one time. When we're exercising, our blood typically gets pumped to the muscles that are working. However, when it's warm out, our skin gets hot and the cardiovascular system begins prioritizing shuttling blood to your skin to help off load the heat from your skin. Your heart starts working twice as hard and gives you the feeling that you can't breath as well.

How can we deal or prepare?

A few ways! For starters, take advantage of the TWO Big Ass Fans we have in the gym. Stand underneath them when you need some cooling off! It'll help pull heat off of you. Second, bring water with ice in an insulated bottle. Drinking ice cold water will give you the same cooling effect internally. And yup we're gonna say it - KEEP SHOWING UP. The truth is that the more you expose yourself to exercising in the heat, the better you will respond psychologically. And for funsies, try menthol gum or cough drops while working out. Studies have shown that it has the ability to trick your body into thinking it's "cooler" than it actually is.

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