Coach's Corner: Cherish Denney

January 31, 2024
Coach's Corner: Cherish Denney



January 31, 2024

Welcome to Coach's Corner- where you get to know our coaching team, hear their personal fitness stories, and receive helpful tips/advice!

First up, get to know Coach Cherish: Group Coach, Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach, Hype Expert

How long have you been at North Rim? What brought you here in the first place?

Ive been a member since April 10th 2019. I was invited by Robert Adams and came with a crew of some of our dutch bros coworkers! I came because I thought it sounded fun and I’d never worked out in a group before.

How has being at North Rim impacted/improved your life?

North Rim has given me some of the best friends I could have ever asked for and showed me a love for fitness that I never expected to have!

What are you most proud of accomplishing as an athlete and as a coach?

My favorite part about coaching is when I get to be a part of someone achieving a goal they never thought they were capable of.

As an athlete the thing I’m most proud of is overcoming the challenges of my knee injury and finding ways to make myself an even stronger athlete in spite of discouraging circumstances.

What’s next your next goal (personal and/or professional)?

My next goal is to get My Precision Nutrition Level 2 Certification

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